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Amycordial Syp 200ml-Aimil

Amycordial Syp 200ml-Aimil

Regular price Rs. 169.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 169.00
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Stimulates the production of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), thus reducing free estrogen circulating in plasma. Modulates the level of oestrogen. Prepares the uterus for better implantation of the zygote. Supplements essential nutrients like iron, calcium etc for her health improvement.

Shatavar, Vasa Patr, Majuphal, Gainda, Chaulai, Amla, Priyangu, Nagkesar, Neem Patr, Ashwagandha, Aam Beej Majja, Gajpippali, Chandershur, Ghritkumari, Putrajeevak, Sarivan, Pithivan, Gokshru, Choti Kateli, Badi Kateli, Vata Jata, Bans Patr, Manjith, Sunthi, Santra Chilka, Anantmool, Sheetal Chini, Tagar, Ravend Chini, …

Dosage:  Adults: 2 teaspoonsful twice or thrice a day for 15 days to 3 months accordingly.
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