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Skan Ayurceuticals



Regular price Rs. 152.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 152.00
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Asokarishta contains rich Ashoka Kashaya it acts as a raktastambaka and known as a best friend of women provides excellent results in most of menstrual disorders due to action on garbhasaya beeja kosha useful in garbashaya shatilya and disorders developed due to abnormalities in reproductive system control atyarthava(excessive bleeding). Ashokarishta has a strengthening action on the uterus. It improves ovarian functions, helps to normalize heavy flow during periods, and reduces pain during menstruation.

Texual: Rakthapradara, jwara, rakthapitta, raktaarsha, mandagni, arocha, prameha, sotha. Dosage: The dosage of Ashokarishta is 15 ml to 30 ml twice or thrice a day. In heavy bleeding, your doctor may also ask to increase the dosage of Ashokarishta.

Side Effects: There are no side effects reported with the use of Chandanasava.

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