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Lukoskin Ointment 40g

Lukoskin Ointment 40g

Regular price Rs. 275.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 275.00
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Lukoskin presents a ray of hope for those navigating the challenges of Leukoderma/Vitiligo, offering a meticulously crafted polyherbal formulation designed to address this complex dermatological condition. Moreover, Lukoskin harnesses the phototoxic properties of its furanocoumarin contents upon exposure to sunlight, leveraging natural elements for therapeutic benefits.

This multifaceted approach underscores Lukoskin's efficacy in fostering re pigmentation of the skin, gradually restoring its natural color and texture. To incorporate Lukoskin into one's treatment regimen, individuals are advised to gently apply the ointment onto the affected areas once or twice daily, ensuring thorough coverage from pigmented to non-pigmented regions.

Following application, exposing the treated areas to sunlight, preferably during specific times of the day and gradually increasing exposure time, allows for a systematic and safe re pigmentation process.
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